The second annual Stone Centre event was held at the Paetzold Health Education Centre on June 23, 2015.
With over 100 participants , this event featured educational talks from the Stone Centre’s Doctors, as well as research engagement and participatory hands on learning. The audience was composed of past and current patients at the Stone Centre as well as family members, friends, and community guests.

000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000Educational talks on kidney stone epidemiology, diet and prevention, and research strives to improve prognosis kick started the event, followed by two patient perspectives and an interactive session. Guests were then given the opportunity to mingle with each other and with health care providers to ask any further questions and/or participate in current research studies.

As part of the interactive session the dietitians held hands on dietary advice session with visual presentation. There was also a ureteroscopy simulator that was run by the urology residents where guests had the opportunity for hands on feel of a kidney stone removal procedure. At the general stone disease information and research booths guests could learn more about clinical and laboratory research projects (including a video presentation of the research laboratory), have conversation with the research team, and pick up brochures and pamphlets for more information.
Judith Andrew and Lynn Tomita are registered dieticians at the Chronic Kidney Disease Clinic. At the event they presented a talk on diet and how it affects the chances of developing stones. They stressed the importance of a healthy diet and went over thorough dietary recommendations on fluids, sodium, fruits & vegetables, protein oxalate and calcium.
Following the success of the 2015 Stone Centre event, the Stone Center team here at VGH has decided to start a focus group. The focus group will serve as a tool to further our efforts in bridging the gap between doctor and patient perspectives. Making sure that patients’ needs and concerns are listened to and met is a top priority for the Stone Centre team. In bridging this gap we hope to raise our standards of care, focus our research efforts and decrease the amount of stress that patients have when dealing with their stone disease. We are currently in the recruitment process and are looking for potential candidates.

Overall this years’ event was larger and even more informative than last year! Thanks to generous help from the Stone Centre team and donors for refreshments and door prizes we were able to make this event happen. For a list of our donors please see a list below. If you missed out this year, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information and future patient engagement initiatives including our patient focus group and fundraiser, via phone: 604-875-4111 ext. 62421, or email:
Charitable Donors:

We need you: Great opportunity to help with our fight against kidney stones!
The Stone Centre Focus Group will further our efforts bridging the knowledge gap between physician care and patient priorities, while improving future research strives. We are currently in the recruitment process and are looking for volunteers.
The focus group will give the Stone Centre team input on kidney related issues from a patient perspective. Making sure that patients’ needs and concerns are listened to and met is a top priority for the Stone Centre team. One of our goals is to be supportive of including patients to guide their own care. We aim to raise our standards of care, focus our research efforts, and minimize the effects of this disease.
The focus group will meet once a month for a 1-1.5 hour long session, starting in early fall 2015. These sessions will involve respectful and inclusive group discussions centered on improving prognosis and prevention of kidney stone disease. We are looking for individuals who are willing to share their personal experiences with stone disease and work together with our team to find solutions. The group discussions are entirely confidential. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided during group meetings.
Ideal candidates are good communicators and listeners, as well as enthusiastic and optimistic about treating and minimizing their stone disease. We encourage everybody who is interested to apply as we are looking for a diverse group. This will allow the focus group to cover the full spectrum of kidney related issues.
Those who are interested in joining the focus group or for more information can contact us at the office 604-875-4111 ext. 62421 or email:
VCHRI Patient Newsletter article – August 2015
COMPARING PARTNERS’ GUT BACTERIA MAY BE KEY TO PREVENTING KIDNEY STONES. For full article please visit the article permalink.

To sign up for the VCHRI Patient Newsletter and recieve monthly updates on how research initiatives benefit Canadians, please visit here.
Live tweets at the Stone Centre event June 23, 2015
Please note if you cannot attend this year’s event, “Taking the Fear out of Kidney Stones”, the VGH Foundation will be tweeting from the audience and you are more than welcomed to join online by using #KidneyStones2015. If anyone wishes to follow along with the live tweets, they can connect with the Foundation here:@VGHFdn!
Vancouver Sun article “Romancing the stones” – June 22, 2015
VGH researchers try to unravel role of gut bacteria in kidney stones.
To read this article click here.
Continue reading Vancouver Sun article “Romancing the stones” – June 22, 2015
Second Stone Centre Information Session – June 23, 2015!
We cordially invite you to the Stone Centre’s second annual information session: “Taking the fear out of kidney stones”, Jun 23/15 at the Paetzold Education Centre at Vancouver General Hospital from 6:30 to 8:30pm!
If you have ever passed a kidney stone you know that an attack can occur at anytime and anywhere. This can also happen to someone who has never had kidney stones, someone who is a friend or a loved one.
The Stone Centre is a partner in your fight against kidney stones. At this event, an interdisciplinary care team including urology doctors and researchers will be giving talks on kidney stone prevention and cutting-edge studies to improve prognosis. In addition, a dietitian will also be demonstrating food preparations with different combinations that will reduce the risk of forming stones. And for the first time, the event will feature three panelists providing patient perspective on their journey to beating kidney stones.
Kidney stone disease does not have to define your life, so come learn ways to manage this illness and maintain a balanced lifestyle!
Light refreshments will be served after the talks. Guests are absolutely welcome. Please RSVP with the number of people from your party by June 16, 2015 by email or by calling (604) 875-4111 ext. 62421. Please see attached invite for event information. We want to continue our fight against kidney stones with you, and look forward to seeing you!
Please note if you cannot attend this event, the VGH Foundation will be tweeting from the audience and you are more than welcomed to join online by using the hashtag: #KidneyStones2015. If anyone wishes to follow along with the live tweets, they can connect with the Foundation here:@VGHFdn
Kidney Stones: Smash Your Risk To Bits!
First Stone Centre Patient Engagement Event
The Stone Centre event “Beating Kidney Stone Disease” was on May 29, 2014. Thank you for your interest. Stay tuned for our next one!
This event took place at the Paetzold Health Education Centre at Vancouver General Hospital. Over 85 participants attended this groundbreaking inaugural event, which featured educational talks, research engagement, participatory hands-on learning. The audience was composed of past and current patients engaged in care at the Stone Centre, family members, friends, and community guests.
This evening event was the first of its kind to be hosted by the Stone Centre. Educational talks on kidney stone formation, dietary recommendation to prevent recurrence, and research efforts kick started the event, accompanied with Q&A’s from a very engaged audience. Participants were then given an opportunity to mingle with each other and with healthcare providers to ask any further questions, and/or participate in current research studies. Research posters, research study forms, ureteroscopy simulator, kidney stone information packages were also showcased.
For more information, please contact us.