First Stone Centre Patient Engagement Event

The Stone Centre event “Beating Kidney Stone Disease” was on May 29, 2014. Thank you for your interest. Stay tuned for our next one!

This event took place at the Paetzold Health Education Centre at Vancouver General Hospital.  Over 85 participants attended this groundbreaking inaugural event, which featured educational talks, research engagement, participatory hands-on learning. The audience was composed of past and current patients engaged in care at the Stone Centre, family members, friends, and community guests.

20140529_07This evening event was the first of its kind to be hosted by the Stone Centre. Educational talks on kidney stone formation, dietary recommendation to prevent recurrence, and research efforts kick started the event, accompanied with Q&A’s from a very engaged audience. Participants were then given an opportunity to mingle with each other and with healthcare providers to ask any further questions, and/or participate in current research studies. Research posters, research study forms, ureteroscopy simulator, kidney stone information packages were also showcased.

For more information, please contact us.